Why Play?
Why Play?
Play is more important than you might realize.
For many adults, our earliest and favorite memories are of play. Time spent playing with family and friends forms our earliest social connections. Play is a building block for learning and behavior.
Defining Play
To talk about the value of play, it is important to understand what play is.
The Lethbridge Charter recognizes 12 characteristics of play. Play should be; limitless, fun, spontaneous, freely chosen, challenging, inclusive, flexible, adaptable, imaginative, creative, self-directed, and undertaken for its own sake.
Play is not limited to any environment or season. Play can occur anywhere, anytime. There are many types of play and it is important to explore them all. Types of play include risky play, fantasy play, active play, social play, constructive play, games with rules and digital play.
There are many stages of play. Play will change and evolve when a children grows, but play should never stop. Even as adults it is important to find time to play.
Why is Play Important?
Play is more important than you probably realize.
Play affects physical, social, emotional, cognitive, creative and communications skills in children. Healthy development of these skills will affect one’s health and wellness through their lifetime.
The Early Development Index (EDI) is a tool used by Kindergarten teachers to assess development in children. The EDI measures a child’s progress in five domains:
Physical Health and Well-being,
Social Competence,
Emotional Maturity,
Language & Cognitive Development, and
Communication Skills & General Knowledge.
EDI results tells us 1 in 4 Lethbridge children are at risk or vulnerable in all 5 domains.
Studies have shown a decrease in children engaging in play apart from gaming and social media. We need to take action to bring back play. We need your help.
What is your favorite childhood memory of play? How do you define play? Let us know in the comments and subscribe to our email updates!