Mud Play

Submitted by Rebecca Smith from Family Ties Association

“April showers bring May flowers” - which is usually a true statement, but those showers also bring mud and lots of it! Instead of fighting your child to stay out of the mud, why not change them into some play clothes and embrace the muddy muck. For one thing, it will prevent one less power struggle in the day – what parent doesn’t want that! Furthermore, mud play is a very sensory rich experience that enhances a child’s brain and body development. Still feeling a little skeptical of allowing your child to play in the mud, here are some more benefits that may persuade you the next time your child bee-lines it for the mud.

1. Promotes a stronger immune system and creates calmness. Exposure to dirt and being out in nature contributes to a stronger and more balanced immune system (Hillsdon & Christian, 2019; Quora, 2018). Who doesn’t want a child with a stronger immune system, especially after all the lockdowns we’ve been in for the last few years. There has also been some research done that proves that certain bacterium in mud (Mycobacterium Vaccae) can decrease stress/anxiety and increase levels of Serotonin which increases positive moods (Hillsdon & Christian, 2019; Quora, 2018; Somani, 2020). So now when that odd handful of mud goes into your child’s mouth, they may be getting an extra dose of relaxant and happiness!

2. Increases brain development and simulates the senses. As playing with mud is a sensory-rich experience, many parts of the brain are activated and skills developed: problem-solving, flexible thinking, abstract thinking, imagination and creativity are some of the key areas learned and strengthened. When playing and creating things in the mud, a child is engaging all of their senses such as sight, touch, smell, hearing, and yes, taste! Having that mud ooze through fingers and squish between toes builds up important nerve connections in the brain that are transferred over to day-to-day tasks.

3. Body awareness and movement. Children are continuously squatting, standing up, moving right to left, scooping, piling, and adjusting their body positions in new ways when playing in the mud. Mud is a medium that is constantly changing and requires a child’s body to adapt with it when playing; all this body movement increases a child’s body or spatial awareness. A child’s fine and gross motor skills are also enhanced through all the movement.

4. Fosters open-ended play. There is no one specific way to play with mud; it requires your child to channel their inner creativity and see what they come up with. Children can play with mud at their own pace and own developmental level; a simple mud pile can be turned into mud pies, a city with roads and rivers, and/or paint for a picture or the fence depending on the child’s age and desires.

Now that we know how great playing with mud can be for a child’s mind and body, get out there and enjoy it! Did you know there is even an International Mud Day? It falls on June 29th every year – so this year you can get out there and celebrate with your children. If you are looking for some inspiration on ways to spark that interest and creativity with mud, check out 20 Top Mud Play ideas to get your kids enjoying the outdoors! for fun ways to play with mud.

Sources and references

  1. A. E. (2020, May 8). 6 unexpected ways mud play benefits the body and the brain (+ mud activities). Kid Minds.

  2. Hillsdon, D., & Christian, B. (2019). Wellbeing notebook: Up a tree or in the mud: How nature-based free play contributes to the wellbeing of children. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 13(2), 14-15. Retrieved from

  3. Somani, N. (2020, July 17). 7 benefits of mud play – early child development. School My Kids.

  4. Quora. (2018, January 17). Is playing in the dirt good for kids’ immune systems? Forbes.

  5. Whitehouse, P. (2017, August 2). 20 glorious ways to play with mud! Mother Natured.,whole%20bunch%20of%20kitchen%20utensils%20outside.%20More%20items

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