Thank you to everyone that attended and supported Play Summit 2023. It was a great day, filled with fun and learning. Stay tuned to hear about the next summit and mini summit events!

Play Summit 2023

The lunch/afternoon session is perfect for professionals and educators. There will be presentations from local experts, an opening presentation by Dr. Robbin Gibb, and a keynote workshop with Matt Leung. The cost to attend is $30/person, which includes lunch. This session is from 11:45 AM - 4:30 PM

The evening session is designed for parents and caregivers and is being offered to the community free of charge. The session will include a keynote presentation from Professional Child, Matt Leung. This session is from 6:00 - 7:30 PM.

Join us on February 28th at the Main Branch of Lethbridge Public Library. (810 5 Ave South).

  • Matt Leung is a Professional Child who has spent over 15 years working with children and youth in the recreation sector. He has facilitated trainings and workshops across Canada and the United States and he played a key role in the planning and implementation of the International Play Association conference hosted in Calgary in September of 2017. He is an expert at instigating play for all ages, has appeared on various media networks, and was recently featured in the newly published book, The Playful Life. Matt studied Global Leadership at Royal Roads University, where he focused on the impact of play and positivity in organizational culture. He is the Program Manager of Communities ChooseWell, a health promotion and community development program operated by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association. He is also a DANCEPL3Y Master Trainer, a podcaster, and sits on the Board of Directors for Outdoor Play Canada.

    Session Description (Afternoon workshop) - Navigating Leadership Through Play

    Playful experiences define our childhood and shape who we become as adults. However, elements of play can also have a transformational impact on our ability as leaders to inspire growth in the world around us. In this workshop you will learn about how play strengthens leadership competencies, and discuss strategies for using playfulness to enhance empathy, communication, and resiliency. You will discover what it means to be an Ambassador for Play, and how advocating for play at work and at home can transform entire communities. Come learn how integrating elements of play into your life will allow you to communicate more effectively, and solve problems more creatively anywhere from the living room to the boardroom!

    Session Description (Evening presentation) - Learning Across the Lifespan Through Play

    What is play? In childhood, play is the lens through which children learn how to interact with the world around them. As we grow up, playful behaviours continue to have a transformational impact on our work, our relationships, and our health. In this presentation, you will learn about what makes play, PLAY! From toddler to taxpayer, you will learn how to identify play, why play matters, and how to encourage playful behaviours at any age. Come discover tips and tricks that will leave you inspired to make play the most important part of your every day!

  • Robbin Gibb has a BSc in Chemistry and a Master’s and PhD in neuroscience, all from the University of Lethbridge where she is currently a Professor in the Department of Neuroscience. She has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, 13 book chapters, and edited two books, one on brain development and the second language acquisition in children.

    Presentation description: Adolescence is a time for reorganization of brain structures to support adult brain function. During this time the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for executive functions (EF), undergoes extensive change. Play has a dramatic influence on the architecture of the prefrontal cortex and thus provides an excellent way to support development of Executive Function. Dr. Gibb will introduce Building Brain's newly designed adolescent play curriculum aimed at building and improving Executive Function in teens.

Thank you to our Play Summit 2023 sponsors and supporters!