Find Adventure with Kid’s Map of Lethbridge
It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance and value of play! Ensuring play opportunities are abundant and accessible is the key goal of the Lethbridge Plays group. We know that play is truly limitless and that sometimes we all need a little inspiration to light the spark for the next adventure. This is why Lethbridge Plays developed a kid-friendly city map, designed to support parents and children find their way to playful opportunities in Lethbridge. The map features fun things to find and do, as well as new places to discover.
The Kid’s Map of Lethbridge highlights some of the best play opportunities as over 50 different individuals helped to build the map – including several local families, as well as staff and volunteers of all charter members of the Lethbridge Plays group. It provides a diversity of activities available throughout our community.
Keeping with the play theme, Lethbridge Plays put together a fun way to launch the Kid’s Map of Lethbridge! Starting Saturday April 16 and running through Friday April 22, 2022 a city-wide treasure hunt of play map locations provides multiples chances for families to win play activity packs and prizes. During this special event, five locations on the Kid’s Map of Lethbridge have unique opportunities for prizes. These select locations have a ’First Finder’ prize as well as an opportunity for every Finder to enter to win a play prize.
Maps are available for pick up at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre, the Lethbridge Public Library Main Branch and Crossings Branch, Tourism Lethbridge Visitor Centre, Cor Van Raay YMCA of Lethbridge, Family Centre (downtown, north, and west locations), Lethbridge Sport Council Offices (upstairs, Nicolas Sheran Ice Centre), and various annual events such as Sport Council Roving Gyms, Nature Play Day, and Sportsfest.
Lethbridge Plays is hoping to see more families and children outside participating in unstructured, unscheduled play. Research supports play as a vital requirement for healthy child development as children learn through play. Important social and language skills, problem solving skills, and resiliency are built through play. It’s also a natural and enjoyable way for children and families to get active!
Families are encouraged to pick up a Kid’s Map of Lethbridge to find inspiring places to explore and get outside and play!
Pick up your map today
and join the treasure hunt!