Embracing The Fall Season Playfully & Mindfully

Submitted by Rebecca Smith from Family Ties Association

As the summer months are slowly fading away, the season of fall is coming upon us. Some have considered the fall season to be the season of change – change in weather (the need to cozy up in layers), change of routines (back to school and typically less vacations), change of daylight (hello darkness my old friend), and of course the change of energy levels by nature, animals and people (hibernation is kicking in). Changes can be tough for everyone as they are typically met with the fears of the unknown; that being said, we can help ourselves and kiddos embrace the changes with a sense of curiosity, excitement, and playfulness to offset those worries.

The following 4 activities can be a great way to embrace all that fall change in a mindful, and playful way for yourself and kiddos.

1. Engage in Deep Breathing Using Fall Leaves. For this activity, go outside and find a few different shaped leaves (the bigger the better). If you can’t find ones you like outside, feel free to do a quick Google search for fall leaf outlines or check out - Breathing Leaf for a realistic outline. Starting at the stem, breathe in and trace your finger to the first point on the leaf, hold your breath for a moment, and then release until the next point on the leaf. Go around the leaf as many times as needed until your body feels relaxed like a leaf gently falling from a tree.

2. Engage in a Fall Senses Scavenger Hunt. Why not spend some time outside exploring and engaging all your senses; being immersed in nature can help increase your awareness of all the beauty that comes with the changing season. This activity uses one of my favourite ways to ground and centre the body and mind; it is called 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . Making this activity to be fall-themed requires you to: find 5 things you can see that remind you of fall, 4 things you can touch that remind you of fall, 3 things you can hear that sound like fall, 2 things that smell like fall, and 1 thing that tastes like fall.

3. Cozy up and Read Some Fall-themed Books. When you are needing some time to warm up from being outside or it’s feeling a bit too chilly for your liking, head to your local library and/or order some new books that are centered around fall time. Reading with your child is a great way to not only increase their literacy skills, but also a simple way to connect. Some of my favourites over the years have been:

  • In the Middle of Fall by Kevin Henkes

  • If You Find a Leaf by Aimée Sicuro

  • The Leaf Thief by Alice Hemming

  • Sweep by Louise Greig

  • Leif and the Fall by Allison Sweet Grant

  • Let It Fall By Maryann Cocca-Leffler

4. Get Lost in a Corn Maze/Labyrinth. Lastly, the fall season is a great time to check out those amazing corn and field mazes/labyrinths that many farmers have created. Walking around in a maze can help increase a sense of relaxation and stillness; feel free to create a little positive affirmation to think of while exploring the maze to help embrace change. If you are in and around the Lethbridge area, check out - The Lethbridge Corn Maze for some fun.

Hopefully, these mindful ways can help you and your kiddos embrace the fall season and see the beauty this change can bring both inside and outside.

Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/kids-playing-with-toy-trucks-4488073/

Tanya Whipple